Creative and Engaging Ways of Teaching English

FOCSANI, Scoala Gimnaziala Alexandru Vlahuta, Str. Aleea 1 Iunie, Nr. 6
In this workshop we will explore together how to offer students more opportunities to develop not only their academic skills, but also some life skills to help them achieve success.We will experience hands on activities you can use in class that make learning meaningful and relevant for your students. It’s an invitation to challenging our creativity, exploring and experiencing innovative techniques in English Language Teaching which stimulate, motivate and increase students’ language and self-development.
Participation is free of charge as the event is sponsored by Express Publishing and Uniscan Grup Educational.
All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Ileana Briceag is a teacher of English with many years of experience in the school system, which have helped her develop her own teaching philosophy that guides how to help students succeed in the classroom and beyond. Her strong beliefs that one’s school education goes hand in hand with personal development, a process which leads to the greater good of the society we live in, kept her close to continuously studying ELT methods and always searching for new approaches to involve not only learning English, but also developing one’s life skills to fulfill self-development. She is currently an ELT Consultant within Uniscan Grup Educational and Express Publishing.